The Keith Andrews Podcast

Successfully Unemployed | Dustin Heiner E12

Keith Andrews Season 1 Episode 12

This episode of The Real Estate Junkie Podcast features Dustin Heiner, author of 'How to Quit Your Job with Rental Properties,' and a seasoned real estate investor who has mastered the art of financial freedom through real estate investing. Dustin shares his inspiring journey and the pivotal strategies that helped him build a self-sustaining real estate business that generates passive income. Throughout the episode, he offers invaluable resources, including his free book, a comprehensive real estate investing course, and insights from his own podcast and annual conference. Dustin's approach encourages listeners to redefine themselves as savvy investors and proactive business owners, aiming to serve more people and achieve their own financial independence. Tune in to learn how you can start building your real estate empire today and step closer to financial freedom.

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And I said, Hey boss, I'm laying you off. And he, we laugh and jokingly says, well, what are you going to do? And I said, well, I don't have to do anything. I own real estate. It makes money for me without working. you Welcome to episode 12 of the real estate junkie podcast. Today we welcome Dustin Hiner, the man whose book, how to quit your job with rental properties actually jumpstarted my own journey. Quitting as J O B or as he is coined just over broke job in 2015 through passive income from rentals. Dustin has become a beacon for many seeking financial freedom. As the founder of master passive income and the real estate wealth building conference known as Rubicon, his blueprint has empowered countless others showing if he could do it. So could they. So Dustin, welcome to the real estate junkie podcast, brother. I'm really glad you're on my show, man. You're your book. This one right here, how to quit your job with rental properties was a game changer for me. Seriously. Um, back in. 2018, I had just one rental property under my belt and an extreme desire to get out of the rat race. And when I got my hands on this book and don't ask me how I bumped into it in the first place, like I was deep diving in everything real estate. And then this book somehow popped up. I ordered it. I read it and it like gave me clear actionable steps. But at the same time you made it real because through your story, I was like, yes, that's exactly what I want to do. And it really did serve as a blueprint to really kind of like kickstart everything. And, um, by 2021, I pulled it off, man. I had enough cashflow to quit the rat race and, uh, just, I left that world behind, man, successfully unemployed, just like you. That is. So encouraging. So when I wrote the book, honestly, I was writing it for my friends and family members who were asking me how I quit my job, how it became successful and employed by investing in real estate. And so I was teaching them one -on -one and it was great, but it took so much time because they had a lot of the same questions. They're great questions. That's where you start. I thought, you know what, let me just write something so I could give it away so that they can read it and learn how to do it. And then when they have questions that are going to be really applicable to them. Then we could jump on a call and we can help out. But I'm so glad that you got my book and that, so when did you say that you became successful in employee? What year? 2021. Oh man. What really, what really set it off for me is I was like already on that path, but I had a longer, like I thought it was going to take me another five years to get there. Um, but the whole COVID thing happened and interest rates just took a dive and I was able to like refinance my entire portfolio, which. doubled my cashflow overnight. It was, it was, it was definitely, man, I will tell you, and I've told people before, like you were literally my John the Baptist, like crying out in the wilderness. And I really did change my life, man. I really do appreciate it. Um, everything that you've put out there and just having you on the show is great. Like it's like, this is like for me, Like I'm a big NBA fan. So this is like me bringing in Michael Jordan having a, Oh, wow. Thanks, Keith. I really appreciate it, man. That's so, it's really encouraging for me to hear you that you say that. And so for you, as well as you, the only person listening, I want you guys to think of me and everybody should be thinking of you, Keith. We're just like your next door neighbors. You know, we figure out a way to do it and we just want to help people, but I really appreciate you saying that. And I'm so encouraged that you took action and. As I, you know, in writing the book, as well as coaching people and showing people, I have a conference now that I help people to invest in real estate. All of that is so much more rewarding. And let me say it this way. So when I bought my first property, it was very, it was great. It was an accomplishment, but it didn't feel, I didn't feel fulfilled. I felt like I needed more, which is fine. So I kept buying more properties. Each property was another accomplishment. And then when I quit my job and even greater accomplishment, but I didn't feel fulfilled. I felt like I needed more. Then when I started helping people to invest, because blessed to be successful, unemployed, not needing any money. When I started helping people and serving them, when my first student bought their first property, I felt fulfilled. I felt like I helped another human being get what they wanted most in life. And now they're on the path of financial freedom. And so with that, when they quit their job, like with you being successfully unemployed, that makes me feel fulfilled. Like my goodness, like I didn't accomplish it. You did, but I feel so blessed to be a part of that. So. Thank you so much for sharing that. I'm so glad you took action because most people don't even take that. But then you kept moving forward and then look at you now and now you're serving people, which is it. That is honestly, my opinion, everybody in life, they should get to the point where they're serving people. And that's their number one thought is how can I serve more people? Quick last thing I'll say is when you are working a job, I call it a J O B, a just overbooked job. When you're working that just overbooked job, you're serving one person. You're serving your boss. Now you might have lots of customers, but that's not your customers. That's your boss's customers. You need to look at serving one person, making a little bit amount of money or limited amount of money. Then if you become a business owner and you start serving your customers and have multiple customers, you're serving more people, which is great. And you're making more money and you're helping them. Then you go outside of that and you figure out how many more people can I serve? Cause the more people that you serve, the more money you'll make. The more fulfilled you'll be and you're helping somebody else get what they want in life. And so, so pumped that you have your own podcast, man. I really appreciate you having me on. Yeah. I mean, that's really what this podcast is about at the end of the day. Um, other than the fact, and I say this all the time that my wife gets tired of me always talking about real estate. So this is an outlet for me. You know, that's what I call it. I could hang out. Yes. Um, but really it's just to help other people because it's like, it's so. The transformative power of real estate is just so huge. It's just radically changed my life. And I want to help as many people as I can get to that as well. And there really isn't a better wealth building product in the world than real estate. I mean, it's, it's proven. You're a hundred percent right. And if you do it right and the way Keith and I do it is we invest in rental properties, four units and below now. Multifamily apartment complexes are great. Storage facilities are great. They're all great. The only downside is that you have to sell those in the end because of financing problems or meaning it's a five year loan and you have to sell it. But if you do residential, I love the 30 year fixed and it's fixed. It's not going to change on me. And then once it's all paid off, I will literally give these properties to my kids and generational wealth continually growing that. And a big thing that we do and Keith and I do, so we're already listening, we focus on passive income. We focus on making money so we can feed our families. And what I love when I started figuring out, okay, if I'm going to become successful unemployed, I asked my wife, how much money do we have in expenses? And I remember the number plain as day was$4 ,200, you know, mortgage, food, all that sort of stuff. And I thought, okay, well, let me see if I could figure this out. If I buy one property that makes me $250 a month in passive income, that's $3 ,000 a year. I'm like, that's not. That's not amazing, but it is great because I didn't work. And then I thought, oh, wow, it's just easy math. If I get 10 properties at $250 a month, that's $2 ,500 a month, $30 ,000 a year without working, then 20 properties, $5,000 a month, $60 ,000 a year without working. Then I realized, my goodness, if I just scale my business and figure out how to scale is something that I love to teach people because it's hard to get past a certain number. But anyways, once I got to... 20 properties and I only have 30 plus properties now just got under contract for one yesterday, which was super fun. But the more properties you have, the more money you make in passive income, then you can literally be free. But at the same time, you still get the appreciation. You still can borrow that money out of that property, buy more properties. You can still give these properties to kids. So many amazing things, but to your point, 100%, the best wealth creation is in real estate. Yes, absolutely. So I want it because a lot of our listeners might not know you, right? Might not. They don't have your book, but I do encourage everyone go get this book. It's definitely, it was a game changer for me. Everything's even though, when did you first write this? Like 2015, I want to say it was. It might've been 2015, 2016. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, I mean, I mean, look at what 2015 rates were compared to today. A lot of people I know are like, Oh, rates are too high. It doesn't work anymore. And I'm looking at like, not really, man, this is how I started. Like back when I started the rates were pretty much the same as they are right now. You're right. Um, but, but for the listeners out there that don't know you, um, can you, can you kind of dig into your background, how you quit your just over broke job? I love that by the way. Um, and got into real estate in the first place, kind of maybe just give us a brief summary of, of you, your life. I totally can. I totally can. And I can also give you a story of what shoved me into real estate investing and what like the big wake up call that had. But before I do for everybody, if you want the book, I will literally give it to you for free. Just pay for shipping. Um, the cost of the book and shipping, I'm not going to make any money in it, but I even have my daughter and my kids. They're the ones that print up the labels. They send them out. We just want you to invest. So literally for free, but if you go to master passive income .com, four slash free book, all one word for a special fee, Brooke. free book, I'll give it to you. So that's easily, I wanna give that out. Now, with that, I, just like everybody, was taught from the, you know, when I was born, to follow this plan. You go to school, you get good grades, and then you take those good grades and you go to college, you get in thousands and thousands of dollars into debt, and then get a piece of paper that you can hopefully, it's called a degree, hopefully go around to different companies or organizations and try to get a job. Well, I'm following that exact same plan, and then they say, work 40 plus years of your life and then retire and live at 65, 70 years old when your life is close to being towards the end and live on 40 % of what you saved the entire time working at just over broke job. So I'm doing that exact same thing. And at the same time, I, so my job that I bought or sorry that I got into, it was a most stable, secure job you can ever think of. It was working in California for a local County government doing it. So California is not going away. Technology is not going away. And we know. Government is not going away anytime soon. And so the most stable secure job, but at the same time, I've always been entrepreneurial. You know, the idea of starting businesses and stuff. And so with that, I had a graphic website design company. I even had a newspaper route where you throw papers at 5 a .m. banging my garage doors, waking people up. I had a convenience store. I even had a skateboard manufacturing business that I started from scratch, but I'm still working that dead end JOP. But I bought one rental property. I bought run rental property. And I made money without working my property work for me. So I knew I needed to be an investor, but life, as you know, Keith started getting in the way. I and my wife started having children. We had one, two, three, and four children still working at dead end, J O B. And when my, this is what really shoved me into real estate investing. When my wife had our fourth child, I'm working a set down desk job. I go on paternity leave. That's where the mom and dad, or sorry, the dad stays home with the mom, changes, poopy diapers, bonds with the baby and all that good stuff. Well, after two weeks I go back to work and in that same week, I'll go back to work on a Friday at three 30 in the afternoon. I get a call from my boss's bosses, boss's secretary, the top dog. And she says, Dustin, would you please come to the office? And I thought, sure. But I hung up the phone. I paused for a second. Why in the world are they calling me the office? Like this isn't normal. And I've seen plenty of movies Friday at three 30 is not a good sign. So the thought, well, about two months before. There were some rumors, there's some rubbing going on that there could be potentially be layoffs in the County. I immediately shook that off. I said, no way I've got 12 years, your seniority here. Um, my boss doesn't think I'd do a grave job. No, I'd be fine. So I get up and I walked down the hallway to my boss's office. Well, this hallway isn't very long. In fact, it's kind of short, but every single step I took, it felt like the hallway got longer and longer and longer. And it felt like my feet became lead bricks because the thought of losing my job. was starting to weigh down on me. Well, I get down the hallway and I turn the corner and I see my boss's door. His door is closed and I see his secretary there. Super sweet, nice old lady and she says, Dustin, would you please have a seat? She's looking at me, kind of sheepishly grinning at me, trying to console me with her eyes, because she knows everything about what's going on. I know nothing about what's going on. So I go and I take my seat. And I sit there, I start thinking about my life. Like, oh my goodness, if I get laid off right now, that entire plan that other people told me to do, Did I just waste my life doing this? And if I can't work, I can't make money. If I can't make money, I can't feed my family. And I thought, whoa, am I a failure as a husband? Am I a failure as a man, as a dad trying to provide for his family? Well, as I'm sitting there on the chair, my hands get all clammy, my forehead gets all sweaty because the nerves is just crushing me. Well, the door to my boss's office opens up. Out walks a coworker of mine with a piece of paper in her hands. She is noticeably distraught. Notice of being upset, not necessarily crying, but you can tell her world has just been devastated. She passes by me and my boss says, Dustin, would you please come in the office? So I get up and I go into his office and I get laid off. And remember, this is the government. Nobody gets fired or laid off the government, but I did. Well, I take that layoff notice and I go back to my desk and I realized two things. This is the reason why I'd share the story. So the first thing that I realized is, I need to get another job. I need to make sure that I provide for my family. So I was really blessed, praise the Lord, to find another job in the same county. Another department wasn't having the same issues. Check, got that. Then sitting in a chair, the second thing I realized, and it's the reason, main reason why I tell this story. I need to make sure that this never ever happens to me again. I need to make sure that nobody has the ability to take away my ability to feed my family. So right then and there, I said, no way, when anybody ever asked me the question, Dustin, what do you do? We always get the question, what do you do? I would always reply that I work for the local county government doing technology. Well, when we answer it that way, we're projecting the value that we put on ourselves is coming from our job. My value, I realize, doesn't come from my job. It comes from my God, from myself, and from my family. So right then and there, I told myself, anytime I get asked that question, I'm gonna tell everybody I am an investor. Because I knew I needed to be an investor, but life started getting in the way. Even though, I would tell people that. I'm an investor, but even though 100 % of my money would come from my job, that's now my part -time job. I'm a full -time investor. So fast forward the story, started buying property after property after property, each one making me $250 a month in passive income. Eventually I had 30 plus properties. I was like, why am I still working here? Even though I'm making $75 ,000 a year, I am losing money. So last part of the story, I went to my new boss, good boss and all, and I said, hey boss, I'm laying you off. We laugh and... Jokingly says well, what are you gonna do? And I said, well, I don't have to do anything I own real estate it makes money for me without working Well the last part of the story I would walk to and from my car to my job a mile and a half every single day because I worked in downtown I was too frugal to pay for parking. Well, I Felt like on the last walk mile and a half. I felt like I was walking on clouds because I knew I would never ever need a job again, as opposed to that time where I got laid off walking out of that hallway that got longer and longer and longer. I felt like I was walking on clouds because I realized nobody's going to pay me what I'm worth. So for you listening, I want you to realize that nobody will ever pay you what you are worth. You're worth so much more than anybody could ever pay you. This is how you know your boss is only paying you just enough to keep you working without quitting, but not so much as taking money out of their pocket. If they paid you what you're worth, They probably go broke. So what you need to do, my suggestion is figure out a way that you can serve more people. And my way is through real estate investing and coaching people how to do it. With that, you serve more people, you make more money, you fulfill, you feel fulfilled, but you also help people get what they want and then you'll get what you want. So I'll pause the story because you probably got plenty of questions. Yeah. I mean, it's so crazy because I remember reading that segment in the book about how you quit your job. And that feeling that you had and the conversation that you had. And when it was time for me to like step away from my job, they thought I was crazy. They're like, what they were even offering me like more money to stay. Cause they didn't want me to leave. And it wasn't, it wasn't about the money anymore. Like I would have made more money staying at my job at that time. Right. Um, but I'm like, no, this, this is, I just. Like you, I didn't like that feeling every morning I got up. Not to mention the biggest thing for me was being away from my family because my job had me traveling all over the place and I just missed so many key moments with my kids and I just, I was done with it. I'm like, I had one last little one at the house that, you know, I could see, you know, really grow up and I'm like, I want to be there. when he first does everything right that is my goal I want to be that dad that drops him off in the morning eats breakfast with him picks him up from school the basketball soccer dad whatever you want to call it that's what I want to be because before I left my job that was never me I was the guy always barely making it into the game or whatever because of work and so that was really my why And now that I've got there, now it's like, like you, like, I want to tell as many people as I can, because just life is so short, your family grows up so fast, your kids grow up so fast. Like, don't miss those moments. And through real estate through passive income, and it's not 100 % passive. We know that sometimes it rains and literally like flooded basements, roof leaks, these things. But, but this is what I always tell people. If you have proper insurance, if you have a handyman and, and contractors on deck that, that, that, you know, that you can call, if you have a property manager and whatnot, like all these things can be mitigated. And it's a lot less work at the end of the day and time restraint on you, uh, than a JLB. And that's, that's the bottom line. You control your own destiny. You're absolutely right. And a lot of people kind of get hung up, or at least some people. get hung up. Well, it's not passive because you have to do some work. I'm like, yes, it is passive. If I do not go to my job and clock in clock out, then I don't get paid. That's active income. You work one hour, you get paid for that hour. That's active income. Passive income is where you do something that gets that you get paid over and over again from that one time when you buy one rental property. You're the property is literally making you money because it is doing the work for you. Now you have to maintain it, but I don't maintain it. And Keith, you'll absolutely get this. I don't pay for repairs on any of my properties. I don't pay my mortgage. I don't pay my taxes. I don't pay my insurance. I don't even pay for property managers. Like I don't have to get a job to pay for those things. My tenants pay for those things and I make money on top of that. So when you think about as passive as it can get, just like if you wrote a book. a best -selling book and you keep selling it forever. You worked one time. Now you might need to do some publicity. Oh, that's work. No, it's not necessary work. You're just making sure that it keeps moving forward. So the passiveness is when we build a business, when we scale the business. And like you said, you had a few properties before you read the book. And so what I love to show is that how do we make it automated, not just automated, how do we make it run itself with experts, experts doing the work for us? Because if we don't. We have to, we don't find the experts. We actually have to do it ourselves. I don't want to get calls in the morning or, you know, two in the morning. I don't want to have to deal with tenants. I don't want to deal with any of that stuff. In fact, people have read the book, the four hour work week, really good book, but the premise is to make your life. So you only have to work four hours a week. Well, in my opinion, working four hours a week is for suckers. I don't want to work four hours a week. I don't want to work four hours a month. I only work maybe 30 minutes every month. I look at the property management statements from our property managers, make sure everything is good and go right back to. planning with my kids because I've given them the systems and procedures and processes in my business. So they run it the way that I want them to do it. Does that all make sense? It does a hundred percent. So I want to ask you like, cause there's a lot of people that are listening that are like thinking about getting into real estate. Maybe they were like me when I first started, they had one rental property, but they didn't really know what to do next. Maybe you can talk a little bit about what would you recommend somebody that's just like, maybe they're struggling. Maybe, maybe they, they, they have a nine to five, but they're, they're living paycheck to paycheck. So they're like, how can I even get started? What do I do? What would you recommend? Absolutely. So this is the number one thing. If there's anything that you remember from this conversation that I'm having with Keith for you listening, the number one thing that you must do is build the business first. When I say that, and I'll explain in a second, when I say that you might be thinking, I already have a business already. You know, I bought a property and my, the quote unquote gurus told me as soon as you buy a property, it's a business. Like, no, you don't. You have a business when you have all the systems, procedures and process and people, experts in place running it for you. That's when you have a business. So like on my podcast, on my coaching, I always harp on this and I, cause I've done it. I've done it where I did not build the business and I've lost money, lots and lots of money. Cause I followed what the quote unquote gurus said. But then when I build the business, that is when I actually have an automatic. That's when I don't do any work and I make more money. So when I say build the business, let me give you a quick example of what that looks like. Now, imagine you were starting a convenience store, you know, candy bars and soda machines and all that good stuff. Well, you would not sign a lease on a location, open the doors and set a box of candy bars in the ground. You wouldn't do that. You go out of business in two seconds. But what you would do is you would build the business first. You get the. gondolas, those shelving units that all the candy bars go on, the countertops, the cold storage, bank accounts, cash registers, insurance, employees, everything in the business before you buy any inventory. Same thing with real estate investing. What we do is we build the entire business, finding the right contractors, property managers, plumbers, roofers, realtor, wholesalers, inspectors, insurance agents, mortgage brokers. We get all these people in the business before we buy any inventory. your properties, my properties, they are inventory. Now, remember I did say that I tell everybody I'm an investor, but what I actually am is a business owner and my business owns inventory and that inventory is real estate. So when you're thinking of building a business, you need to make sure that you have that perspective. Number one, we build the business, have the right people, experts like Zillow's not an expert, Redfin, Trulia,, those are not experts. We wanna hire the experts in there on the ground doing the work. So that's number one. Number two, we wanna make sure since it's a business, that's making money. Let me quickly go back to like the candy bar, or a candy bar analogy, it's kind of convenience store related. So if you could buy a candy bar for 50 cents, and you know every day, all day you can sell it for a dollar. Well, you would think, man, I'm gonna do that all day every day. I'm gonna make 50 cents on every single candy bar I sell. Well, what if you didn't have that 50 cents? And it's a beautiful thing about real estate. What if you didn't even have that 50 cents? Well, let's say it took you 25 cents to borrow 50 cents. You're out of your pocket 75 cents. You're selling it for a dollar. You're still making 25 cents on every candy bar. You're thinking, how can I borrow more money? How can I sell more candy bars? Because same thing with real estate investing. We use other people's money. We get mortgages, but here's what you would not do. You would not buy a candy bar for $2 and sell it for a dollar. That's not a business. You'll be losing money. Same thing with real estate investing. We build a business first, make sure we have experts doing the work for us. Then we make sure that when we buy the property, we make money every single month in cash flow because nobody goes into business to lose money every single month. You're in a business to make as much money as you can and provide a great service. So when I look at the number one thing anybody must do, if you're just starting out or even if you have five, 10 properties, If you have not built the business that it runs on its own and you're not making cash flow, we need to change that. We need you to make sure that the business runs on its own as well as you're making money in passive income. So those are the biggest things that I would suggest for anybody. If you're getting started or if you're wanting to scale your business, one of the things I love to do is help people scale their business to 20, 30, 40, 50 plus properties. And then getting into alternative investments like investing in land, investing in storage facilities, apartment complexes. Uh, note investing or lending out your money with, with all that being said, um, I know you have, uh, built a pretty impressive community through master pass, the passive income. And then also the, the real estate wealth building conference, right? Rubicon. Yes. Love the acronym, by the way. Um, how can listeners like get involved in benefit from, from these resources? So get my free book. You already have that link master passive income .com forward slash free book. All one word, I'll give it to you. Literally just want to give that out as well as I have a free real estate investing course. Like just give that a people invest just from reading that as well. So if you text the real quick on, on that, on that, um, that course, does that cover, um, cause this is where I get a lot of questions. It's like, Hey, should I, should I buy something local? Should I buy something at a distance? I can't afford the homes in my, you know, in my area. Like, does it kind of give some guidance around that? Absolutely. And so on top of how to invest, we're also going to show you, or I try to show you that you can invest anywhere in the country, all over the country. In fact, I invest in Ohio, Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Missouri as well. And so I invest all over the country. My students, we invest all over the country because not everywhere is going to be a best place to invest, but there are so many great places like Midwest is great. But if you text the word rental R E N T A L. to three, three, seven, seven, seven, rental to three, three, seven, seven, seven. I'll literally give you my course for free. Show you how to find a area anywhere in the country to invest in out of state, especially we love investing out of state. I'll let how to scale the business, how to make sure you're doing it right and be able to get financial independence. You can also go to forward slash free course, all one word for slash free course. But then with that, I also have my podcast, the master passive income podcast where it's 90 % just me teaching. Literally how to invest. You can even reach out to me on Instagram. I love getting DMS on there. T H E the Dustin Hiner, T H E Dustin Hiner. You could DM me on there and no Keith, I'm not that arrogant. It's the only handle I could really come up with the Dustin Hiner, but, um, you could reach out to me on there. YouTube as well. Master passive income and then Roop con. Well, the monkey. Whoa. Yeah. I want to share this with you. So the reason why I created my conference, the real estate wealth builders conference was because I was suckered into another conference many, many years ago. This was like 2006 when I first started investing and it was like, Hey, we're come to your town. And it was all hype and all sales pitch from the main stage. And they say, run to the back. It's normally a billion dollars, but it's like $10 ,000 today. So I got suckered into one of those. And I said, I want to create something that's complete opposite of that. It's all about value, all about giving. And so three years now in its annual conference, the real estate wealth builders conference, it's all about value, all about giving. We have 50 plus speakers that are all my friends that we're all coming together to help out. So if you want to come, you go to real estate wealth builders conference. So R E W B C O N .com, Rubicon .com. And I will literally give you 10 % off. If you use a promo code podcast, give you 10 % off your ticket, but we travel all over the country this next year, 2025, we're going to be in St. Louis. But the biggest thing is we're a community. It's not a sales pitch. In fact, it's a no sales pitch conference because I hate that personally. So I'm going to do actually, I'm going to fulfill my goal as best I can. to help 1 million people to invest in real estate. So Keith, you're one of them and hopefully your listeners as well, hopefully they're going to be doing just like you did. Absolutely. I thank you so much, man. This has been just incredible. I appreciate you sharing your journey with us. And, you know, for those out there listening, you definitely want to get ahold of this guy. You want to, you want to plug in. He's offering this book for free, which this is an incredible starting point for you. And he has a course to definitely take advantage of it. If you're, even if you've already started investing, like, like when I bumped into him, I, I was, I already had a property under my belt. I already knew I wanted to own rental properties, but I needed somebody that was really doing it to kind of. That I could use it as an example. And that's exactly what he provided for me. So I definitely encourage you to check him out. And he's the other thing I'm just going to say is back in, I think it was 2018. I re I actually sent you an email and I had like a few questions like, and you answered them. I was like, Oh my gosh, this guy's like answering my questions, giving me some tips. So I really do appreciate that, man. You're very approachable. Um, and, uh, I definitely, I want to let's let's keep in touch, man. I, I love it. Like just, you know, uh, rub elbows with you and learn from you. And, um, who knows? I mean, we may do a deal together even. Absolutely, Keith. It's great. And I love that you have a podcast. I personally love podcasting. Podcasting is so much fun for me and just interacting with the listeners, obviously through, it's hard through the podcast, but like through DMS or emails like, like you, I just love seeing people invest, but yes, let's definitely stay connected. And hopefully this next year you'll be able to come out to Rubicon and we could, we actually have a podcasting booth. We could even do a, you know, a dual podcast together, but. Man, this is great, Keith. I'm really glad you reached out. I'm glad you have a podcast. It's so much fun. Oh, it is. Thank you so much, Dustin, for being here. I really enjoyed it. I look forward to many more conversations with you, brother.