The Keith Andrews Podcast

Wrapping Up 2024 with Gratitude and Big Changes Ahead | Keith Andrews E27

Keith Andrews Season 1 Episode 27

In this final episode of the year, Keith reflects on a whirlwind 2024, counting down the top five episodes that made the biggest impact. From house hacking to real estate breakthroughs, these highlights showcase inspiring stories and valuable insights. Keith also announces an exciting reboot for 2025, transitioning the podcast into The Keith Andrews Podcast. With a fresh focus on resilience, growth, and the untold struggles behind success, Keith shares his vision for the future. Tune in for gratitude, inspiration, and a glimpse of what’s to come in the new year.

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Hey everyone, welcome back to the real estate junkie. I can't believe we're here. It's Christmas Eve and the final episode of the year. First off, I just want to say thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for tuning in and supporting the show over this last year. It has been an amazing journey. This podcast has been just such a blessing to me and I know it's been a blessing to others that listen to it. However, it's time. that we shake things up a little bit. It's time for the great pivot of the show. So I'm going to announce today that I will no longer be calling this show the real estate junkie, but rather I'm going to rebrand it as the Keith Andrews podcast. But don't worry, we're still going to talk about real estate. It's just not going to be the center of the show. One thing I've learned over the last year, more than anything else, talking to all these great guests, especially in the conversations that you haven't heard, you know, before the show, after the show is it almost every single one of them faced major challenges and setbacks. They fell on their face. They got bruised, broke bones, but we haven't really talked about that side of the table. And that's really what I want this podcast to be about is talking to successful people, not just in real estate, but in life, business and beyond. about their struggles and how they climbed out of it and became stronger on the other side. You see most successful people, you don't see like what they went through to get to where they are. It's like a bodybuilder, right? A big buff dude that you run into. You're not seeing what they went through to build that muscle, right? And that's really what I want this show to be more about. because my goal from the very beginning was to inspire and empower you, not just in real estate, but in all areas of life. And I kind of missed that this first year, but to help me kind of get on the right path, I think it's important that we rebrand the show. And that's why it's going to be called the Keith Andrews podcast. And I'll tell you what, as we look ahead to 2025, I am incredibly optimistic. Love them or hate them. Okay. Cause I know I have listeners on both sides of the fence. I personally think the Trump administration is going to have a huge positive impact, not just on the real estate market, but on our economy as a whole. So as we dive into 2025, get ready for the Keith Andrews podcast to feature guests that have overcome major obstacles and found success on the other side. I'll also be sharing more of my own journey, my own story, the stuff you haven't heard of before. I'm actually writing a memoir right now that I hope to release by the end of the year. And I'm going to share snippets from that throughout my shows as well. So you can see what I've done, what I've gone through to find the success that I've found. So that being said, I just want to say thank you again for tuning into this show. I can't wait for this next year. I can't wait for this new rebrand of this podcast. Merry Christmas, God bless, and I'll see you all next year.